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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the MICRO MOTION factory.

Export of Products

Export of MICRO MOTION products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All MICRO MOTION products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant MICRO MOTION: coriolis flow and density sensors. Coriolis electronic converters. Specialized density meters and viscometers
  • Viscometers MICRO MOTION
    7827, 7829, FVM, etc.
  • Liquid density meters MICRO MOTION
    Liquid density meters
    7826, 7828, CDM, FDM, etc.
  • Gas density meters MICRO MOTION
    Gas density meters
    3098, 7812, GDM, SGM, etc.
  • Electronic converters MICRO MOTION
    Electronic converters
    1000, 2000, 2000S, etc.
  • High-precision sensors MICRO MOTION
    High-precision sensors
    ELITE CMF, CMFS, etc.
  • Universal sensors MICRO MOTION
    Universal sensors
    F025, F050, F100, F200, etc.
  • Food, chemical design MICRO MOTION
    Food, chemical design
    N025, N050, N100, N200, N300, etc.
  • Straight - tube sensors MICRO MOTION
    Straight - tube sensors
    T025, T050, T075, T100, etc.
  • Food, chemical use. MICRO MOTION
    Food, chemical use.
    N025, N050, N100, N200, N300, etc.
  • Economical sensors MICRO MOTION
    Economical sensors
    R025P, R025S, R050S, R100S, etc.
  • Special flow meters MICRO MOTION
    Special flow meters
    D, DH, DL, DT, etc.
  • Sensor for natural gas MICRO MOTION
    Sensor for natural gas
    CNG050 et al .
  • Special sensors MICRO MOTION
    Special sensors
    D, DH, DL, DT, etc.
  • Sensors for low costs MICRO MOTION
    Sensors for low costs
    LF et al.
  • Measurement of the mass of cryogenic media MICRO MOTION
    Measurement of the mass of cryogenic media
    LNGM10S, LNGS06S, etc.


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